Your privacy is important to us

The information below sets out how we collect, use, disclose, and protect your personal information, as well as how you can access and correct any information we hold about you.

The Loft Privacy Policy

  • Our Loft staff sign and adhere to a confidentiality agreement. Our staff will endeavour to gain your permission to:

    • Talk with you about your present situation and record these details in an assessment of your needs.

    • Share your personal information with other supporting professionals and agencies in a direct attempt to support your present situation.

    • Share your anonymised information with researchers for the purpose of improving The Loft’s services.

    If you do not give your permission to have an assessment, we will not be able to work with you.

  • Personal information includes any information that could identify an individual such as name, contact details, location information as well as the content of any interactions you have with us. All personal information will be managed with care and respect in line with the information Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act Codes of Practice and the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights.

    When we collect personal information we comply with the Privacy Act (2020). Types of personal information that we collect include:

    • Your interactions with us, including phone calls, emails and face-to-face.

    • Your personal details such as name, address, age, ethnicity, and contact details. You are not required to supply this information if you do not want to.

  • We collect your information on an assessment for when your interaction begins with us either face-to-face or on the phone.

  • We collect your personal information to :

    • Help us improve and personalise our service to you.

    • Receive funding from government or philanthropy.

    • Help us to get an overall picture of social issues and how they harm our community and what help people are seeking.

  • We do not share any of your personal details like name, address, and contact details with any other individual or organisation without your permission.

    If there is a concern for your own safety, or the safety of others, we may need to discuss your situation with other services, e.g. the Police. We always attempt to seek your agreement first and act ethically in your best interests.

    Our Kaitūhono Hapori / Community Connectors have regular external supervision where cases will be discussed to ensure the Kaitūhono / Connector is practicing within their code of ethics.

    Our reporting requires that we provide statistical, non-identifying information. We also have regular audits of our service.

    We occasionally work with researchers who may be conducting research projects. We seek your permission prior and all care is taken to remove identifying information before we share anything with these organisations.

  • You have the right to request to view any information held about you by us or any of the individual agencies at The Loft at any time. To do this, contact The Loft Kaiwhakahaere / General Manager; , and they will organise a date and time for you to view this information.

    If you woul like to talk about your privacy and how we collect, store, distribute or use your personal information, please contact The Loft Kaiwhakahaere or call 0800 865 638.

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